Past Courses

Human Behaviour And Evacuation Modelling

Seminar Information

To introduce human behaviour theories that are relevant for Fire Safety Engineering (FSE). After completion of the seminar, the participants will also have a basic understanding of pedestrian dynamics, and understand different egress modelling approaches (network, grid and continuous models) and their limitations.

The seminar includes a wide variety of topics, such as human behaviour theories, toxicology, pedestrian dynamics, egress modelling and Building Information Modelling. Most of the material will be covered in lectures, but there will also be exercises related to the design of emergency exits.

The knowledge gained at the seminar will help participants to incorporate aspects related to fire evacuation and human behaviour in their works. After completion of the seminar, the participants will receive a certificate.

Target Audience

Fire Safety Engineers, Professional Engineers, Registered Architects, Fire Investigators, SCDF, Fire Safety Managers, Safety Officers, Officers from Relevant Government Agencies, Suppliers of Fire Products, Building Owners, Developers, Building Contractors, Facility Management and Maintenance Personnel, etc.

Registration Information

Closing Date
Registration closes on 18 July 2022

How to register and pay
Scan QR Code or click on the link to register and pay below

Registration Link:


1. We seek your kind understanding and cooperation to register and pay via the QR code or link provided above for purposes of accounting and administrative work process.

2. Please ensure you have completed the registration form before Check out for payment via PAYPAL.

3. Receipts will be issued by ALLEVENTS / Paypal upon completion of payment page. Nominal processing fees per transaction by booking platform applies.

Disclaimer & Refund Policy

1. IFES reserves the right to postpone or cancel the course due to unforeseen circumstances.

2. No refund of seminar fees for cancellation. Replacements are allowed before the closing of the registration date line stated in this Brochure. No replacements after the closing of the registration date.

Contact Information

Ms Karine Lim
9669 3176 (HP) or 63389274 (Mon to Fri 9am to 5pm)