Past Events

Technical visit - Firetronics

Even description

Technical visit to clean agent fire extinguishing systems, installation and testing facilities.

Program Details:

1. Introduction to NOHMI NN100 Nitrogen Gas Clean Agent Fire Suppression System & latest Touch Screen Technology using NOHMI Multicrest N3060 Addressable Fire Alarm System

2. Comparison of the various types of Clean Gas Technology efficiency and installation

3. Design, installation, testing, commissioning and the maintenance of the system

4. Possible hazards and prevention during installation and maintenance

5. Q&A session

6. Tea Break

7. Demo on the NOHMI Multicrest N3060 Addressable Fire Alarm System

8. The Enclosure Room Integrity Test

9. Witness of the NN100 live discharge demonstration.

10. Lunch reception at Firetronics Factory Level 1

11. End of event


(Limited to 30 members-first come first served)


(Please register early, to help us with the logistics.)

Please fill in attached Registration Form and submit to IFE Secretariat by Post or Email – Email:

Closing Date: 20th October 2018