Past Events

IFE Members Night

The annual Members’ Night was held on 7 Nov 2014 at the Grand Park City Hall Hotel, and included the golfers from the networking golf which was held earlier on in the afternoon. There was a good turn-out, with about 70 in attendance. Members who attended were given an IFE polo shirt as their door gift.

That evening, the President launched the new IFE website at the start of the dinner. He encouraged members to make use of the forum in the website to pen their comments and exchange ideas.

Members were entertained with games, “girlie” show and magic show. It was interesting to note that our members were ever so sporty and their active participation in many of the games livened that night’s atmosphere, and brought laughter to all that night.

Members participating in the game and show. Good sports are they?

Lucky draws were conducted at intervals during the dinner and this had kept everyone in anticipation of more to come.

President and Vice President giving away the lucky draw prizes.

Some members even commented that the IFE Members’ Night were getting better, and that it was more entertaining and fun, and they looked forward to the same next year.